Monday 22nd October, 9.30am-4pm at LCI

In recent years in Leeds there has been a decline in ecumenical infrastructure support for Christians active in their communities. LCI recognises this and wants to provide a space for people to get together with others in a common and diverse space.

Common in terms of a passion and heart for the city, or particular community – be it of interest or geography.

Diverse in terms of theology, churchmanship, community engagement, role in the community – and no doubt lots more too.

Over the past two years we convened an autumn series called ‘Wisdom on the Way’. This gathered a group of people to learn together over three evening sessions, focusing on the intersection between what we do and how that is informed by what we understand of God.

This year we decided to explore what it would look like to bring this all together into one event hoping it would encourage more people to come along.

If you are interested in thinking about how your faith informs what you do in your community and would appreciate time and space to stop being busy (just for a day!) to reflect with others, this event is for you.

This event is free but sign up is essential for planning the space and organising catering.
Register via eventbrite here.

any queries email or phone 0113 391 7928